Jocelyn Somers
6 min readAug 3, 2019

Over the years, many people have asked me if I believe in twin flames, past lives and soul mates. I never could ascribe to the many definitions that metaphysical books gave to these terms because, to me, it felt very much like hocus pocus. I could not understand how we could possibly define something so vast. I thought it was all a scam to help others feel comfortable with a dysfunctional relationship, and an excuse for accepting a shitty life. In order to truly feel better, you must have understanding. Many people use these terms, definitions and words as an excuse to be a victim, failing to rise to their true potential and to gain a full understanding of these meanings, continuing dysfunctional behaviors that hurt themselves and others. The meanings of each of these essential concepts are quite individual and can only be comprehended in that way.

Past Lives

I was first introduced to past lives in my early twenties. I contemplated what my life was like before I arrived in this dimensional plane. I wondered what I could have possibly done in a past life to deserve the things I was now experiencing that made me feel so deeply wrong with myself and this world. As my studies expanded, I began to look at things in a scientific way that was blended with what the mystics taught us many years ago. Because I was raised Christian, I practiced and studied Catholic mysticism. Through this contemplative practice, I then began to understand science. As Albert Einstein said, “Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind.”

As I studied past lives, I found that what disturbed me the most was that the people professing to have had a past life almost always were princesses, queens, kings or some other form of grandiose prior existence. No one was a slave, a serf or an average person. The stories were fantastic and, quite frankly, I called bullshit on them. People typically lost me when they would say things like, “I talked to a psychic who told me that, in my past life, I was a princess. I was cruel to my boyfriend because he was a slave, and this is why I am now in this horrible situation, feeling terribly……” I usually had no comment on this, because I did not know if this was true or not. However, I do know this: your horrible relationships may be based in other dimensional “you’s” that exist at the same time as this reality, they may be an overlay of this reality, or they may be existing right next to this reality, and you may be experiencing that reality at the same time as this one. The truth is, we do not truly know. You may be living out all of these realities at once.

I believe that this energy exists, but I do not, under any circumstance, think that we should ever blame our “past life” or “other dimensional experience” for something that is occurring in our present reality. If, in fact, this is happening or has happened, then we absolutely must make the effort to change our habits, thoughts and feelings. We must choose to forgive and love ourselves more, as well as to forgive and love the alleged “other” person whom we have harmed and have caused suffering. Our suffering is meant to awaken us. It is not meant to lay blame and to accept that something is now occurring because you are being punished for your past transgressions. If you release your power and control to the idea that your relationship has no hope because of something a psychic or medium told you, this is futile and is not helpful in any way to the greater good.

A True Story of a Past Life

Stories have been relayed to me by several people who have children who can compellingly describe another family and another life before they came into this world. One client in particular has a seven-year-old son who would often cry and tell his mother that he wanted to go back to his other family. He remembered being accidentally locked under the staircase of his “old house.” He could recall, with vivid detail, his dog, his family, and their names, and could accurately describe his “former” home.

This family currently lives in the deep south. On a road trip to Michigan three years ago, the child saw the home he had described in which he believed he had previously lived. He began to cry uncontrollably. He said that he needed to get to his mom (his “former” mom) as he missed her. Her son insisted that his mother loved him and was missing him terribly and that he needed to see her. His mother in this reality (my client) was so disturbed by her son’s need for this other woman. My client thought that she was doing something wrong as a mother and that her child was not happy with his life and his home. She thought that he could be making it all up, as he had a vivid imagination, but his insistence upon having had this past life, family and home was intense.

The boy told his current mother that, although he loved her, he needed to get back to his other family. Something made my client stop, and she wrote down the address of his former home. After returning home, she did some investigating. She discovered that forty years prior to this, there had been a young boy who had died underneath the staircase of that home. When she found this out, she stopped, as she did not want to continue researching the subject.

I recommended that she read a book called, Old Souls: Compelling Evidence from Children Who Remember Past Lives by Thomas Schoder. I sent her an article on a five-year-old boy in Scotland, named Cameron, who could also describe his prior life with a family. A documentary called, “The Boy Who Lived Before” was made about his experience. Children who claim to have had previous lives share eerily accurate stories. Many of these children find peace once they are able to visit the places where they lived in a prior life. Now age seven, my client’s son no longer talks about his other family, because his “current” mother took him to the place where he believed he had once lived. He is seemingly now at peace with the idea of his former life and feels no further need to discuss it.

Decades ago, Carl Sagan said, “there are three claims in the (parapsychology) field which, in my opinion, deserve serious study.” One claim was “that young children sometimes report details of a previous life, which, upon checking, turn out to be accurate, and which they could not have known about in any other way than reincarnation.” I agree with Sagan, as I have witnessed many stories like these. I do not, however, believe that the idea of a prior life should ever be a sentence for past transgressions. Past lives must be deeply studied within ourselves to better understand our current existence. Past lives can, and should, be empowering to us. They are meant to help us on this journey to better understand consciousness and the meaning of life, relationships, and the art of our existence.

If you believe that you have lived before and can recall it with any detail great or small, I encourage you to write it all down in a journal. Scrutinize yourself, understanding that all is energy and that this is possible, but, in doing so, keep your head about you. Past lives and reincarnation are not to be used as a crutch. They are invaluable to your soul’s growth. There are places that draw us to them, and there are fantastic lessons, healing and mysteries to uncover about ourselves.

In part 2 of this blog post, we will discuss twin flames, quantum entanglement and soul mates and how all of this ties together.

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